The State of the Union 2024#
Given the state of the union in 2024, I have a few things I want to say:
Fascism won. Literally. The Republic is literally no more. You may have grand delusions about what is left of America, but they are just that: delusions. It’s gone. The American Experiment is literally over.
I blame the voters. I know that we’re never supposed to do this, but I will: Most Americans, at this point, are fucking clueless idiots. That’s not just me saying it, it’s the majority of the nation who declared it in yesterday’s vote. And if somebody says they didn’t vote so they’re not included: that includes them as well. Anyone who didn’t bother to vote this scumbag into the dustbin of history is, at this point, a useless fucking moron.
The Republican Party is dead and has been for some time. To any “Nikki Haley” voters out there: you’re living in a fucking delusion as well.
The Democratic Party is dead too. There’s no recovering from this that I can see in the next few years because this was the last free election that will be held until the foreseeable future. If you think that the Republicans were already cheating with their districts, just wait and see what they do the next time around. Your vote doesn’t matter anymore. It’s what Putin did, and it’s what they are going to do as well.
Trump is never leaving the White House. He’s going to die there, regardless of how many years it will take. By then, the Supreme Court will have ruled on so many things regarding Republican gerrymandering that it won’t matter anyway.
The Russians have won the war. That’s painful to say, but it’s true. There’s nothing that we can do about it. They literally have a man who will tell them anything they want to hear in the seat of the Presidency and, even better for them, as the Vice President in case anything should happen to Trump. The only place Ukraine can find support now will be with Europe, and Europe isn’t equipped to handle it. It should be, and it should get its ass in gear right now to create a European Union defense, but it can’t handle what is coming in 3 months. Oh, and NATO? It’s dead.
Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and all the other billionaires who supported Trump just not only undermined all of American Democracy but killed it off. If there is a revolution, they should be first up against the wall.
The Democrats have completely fucked up. For two years, they did nothing but sit on their hands under their asses in the hopeless thought that somehow “normalcy” was going to return. Those of us who were screaming for Trump and his cohorts to be prosecuted were told we should let bygones be bygones. Guess what? If people had listened to us, if people had done what we had asked, we wouldn’t be here now. Great fucking job.
The rule of law is dead. Apparently a coup d’état is perfectly acceptable and a President is unaccountable for treason.
I’m completely disengaging from all political content for a long while. I’m probably also going to delete my Facebook in the near future, just as I did with Twitter. I see literally no harm in doing so. If people want to reach out to me, they can fucking learn to use Email again.